Key SEO Methods – An Overview

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the term given to the strategic development of a website in order to make it “appealing” to Google and other search engines such as Yahoo and MSN (now Bing).

On the World Wide Web, nothing is more important to business sites than SEO. It doesn’t matter if you have the best products or services in the world if no one visits your site. Organic SEO optimization is crucial. There are several SEO components such as keyword research and usage, good appropriate content, link building, and more.

Continue reading as we go over 3 key SEO methods…

Keyword Research and Usage

How do you strive for higher rankings? For starters, a website needs to have properly-oriented keywords. Focused keyword research is necessary to ensure that popular, yet not overly-competitive keywords are chosen. Keywords should be chosen such that potential customers will have a chance to reach your site in the first place (not overly-competitive), and yet popular enough to ensure that your target market will be able to find you via search engines.

Having the right keywords is one thing, using them is another. Good organic SEO involves using keywords accurately and in the right amount in the right places. Each individual page should have its own set of targeted keywords to maximize the chances of being ranked. Keywords should also be used correctly on each page. Look out for a future article where we’ll go over proper keyword usage in more detail.

Good Appropriate Content

Content is key. It’s important to ensure that your website and each of your store’s individual pages, especially your product and category pages have the right amount of the right content for both search engine purposes as well as to provide your customers with enough information and incentive to make sound purchasing decisions.

The Internet is a great deal more interactive with the advent of Web 2.0, but if your visitors choose not to engage you with new technologies, your pages need to close your sales for you. If all you have to convince a potential customer to buy your product or service is what you have on your website pages, then your content must be informative, reassuring, engaging, and persuasive. Always put yourself in your customers’ shoes and ask yourself if the information you’ve presented would convert someone from a visitor to a paying customer.

Content isn’t just limited to text. Be sure to include product images with suitable resolutions (not too large, such that your page-loading times are affected, but not too small so that your customers can’t make out details) so that your customers will be able to view your products before buying. Where appropriate, short videos that explain your products or better yet, show them in action, can be very helpful in closing sales as well.

Link Building

One of the most effective methods to rank better on search engines and draw well-targeted traffic is link building. Links can easily be embedded in several content forms like articles, directories, e-mails and others. The more links you have, the higher your chances of getting amongst the top rankings.

Do some research and find the most popular sites that are related to your target audience. These may be blogs, websites, forums, etc. Get in touch with the people who run these sites and get yourself listed. You’ll probably do this either through link exchanges or enlisting these sites as affiliates. Links from popular, highly-ranked sites will prove to be invaluable to both your SEO rankings as well as a focused source of potential customers.

Links are a proven method of attaining higher page rankings. Not only that, they also help improve online visibility, deliver consistent traffic and maximize revenue.

There are many other SEO methods, but the 3 methods we’ve discussed briefly here are key ones that everyone running a site should be aware of. Look out for future posts where we’ll revisit each of these methods in greater detail.

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