Reduce Bounce Rate Of Your Online Store – Ask 3 Super Simple Questions

glowing light bulb

Do you know why people land on your online store and then just leave…sometimes within just a few seconds? No? Why not ask them? What’s the worse that could happen? They might not answer or perhaps they might go on a rant. Believe it or not, the latter might be a source of very useful information to help reduce bounce rate and increase conversions on your online store .


Are Customers Bouncing Off Your Site?

Phew! 2011 sure whizzed by fast! 2012 is a brand new year with new resolutions (and maybe some old spill overs!) and more exciting things to look forward to for this year. It’s going to be GREAT! I hope many of you had a great time celebrating Christmas and New Year with family and friends along with all the wonderful food that we just can’t get enough of.
