Want More Word Of Mouth Referrals To Your Online Store?

It is easy to build a rapport with customers or visitors at a conventional store. A store manager can cordially go around chatting with customers while subtly finding out information like how a customer thinks the store can be improved, gather feedback on store campaigns  and other suggestions. Engaging customers in this manner gives a store a warmer, more welcoming feel and does wonders for customer retention as well as word-of-mouth marketing.

As you can imagine, the playing field is totally different at a web store. How do you engage your online visitors to increase your customer retention online?

The answer may be simpler than you thought… (more…)

Generate More Product Sales Through e-Newsletters

“49% of email marketers said their newsletter routinely justified themselves.”

– MarketingSherpa, Email Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008

After SEO, the next most effective conversion tactic for smaller marketers is e-mail and newsletters.

The InstanteStore newsletter broadcast feature is not only a great customer retention tool but more importantly, it has the potential to boost sales by up to 35% if done correctly. There are so many good things going for this feature. Best of all, it’s FREE. All it takes is a little work and you have a proven sales-getter.

So, how do you get this working?… (more…)