Appropriate Ecommerce Templates Can Boost Your Web Store’s Earnings?

Has it ever occurred to you why your web store’s bounce rate is so high despite having the best offers online?

The problem could possibly lie in your ecommerce template. Many web store owners do not place enough emphasis on ecommerce templates. They do not recognize that ecommerce templates play a key part in getting a visitor to make a purchase. In all truth there is a science to this. The combination of colors, fonts and placement of elements plays a part in transforming a mere visitor into an individual who would spend money on your products. Obviously, that is exactly what each and every web store owner wants.

First impressions are crucial to drawing a visitor’s curiosity. A site has maybe only 10 seconds to achieve this. Every component on the page has to work perfectly in tandem to make this happen. Every feature on the page has a purpose. Nothing should be there simply for aesthetic purposes alone. If a component isn’t playing a part in helping you close a sale then it should be regarded as a waste of both your time and your customers’.

So how exactly does a store owner pull off such a feat?

Products, Templates And The Market
A lot of ecommerce solution sites afford free ecommerce templates. However, if you can spare a bit of cash, you could purchase your very own expertly-designed site that should suit your purposes to a T.

Nevertheless, if you do choose to utilize a free template, do make sure it benefits your theme or market. For instance, if your store sells flowers, you probably don’t want to choose an ecommerce template with a dark hue. You should go with something more colorful and bright to create an ambiance with a flowery feel to it.

Prime Location
If you want to make an impact, there’s a spot on the first page that should fit the task. This is the section of the page that is generally known as the first fold or top fold area. This is the area where visitors do not need to scroll down to view. It is the very first view they have of your site when they land there. This is where most sites use graphic images to get the attention of visitors. But captivating pictures are just part of the whole scheme; that’s just the carrot on a stick. Bear in mind, visitors will only spend a few seconds at best to explore the area near the center of attraction so be sure that key elements such as text, ads and buy buttons are found nearby.

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