Is Your Business Innovating With The Times?

I’m sure all of you had a great Christmas celebrating with family and friends. It’s been quite a holiday season. My inbox was literally flooded with so many emails from retailers! Am sure the coming year 2014 will be fantastic. That is provided that companies continue to innovate and improve on their services and products.

With tonnes of businesses all selling online, what will make these small businesses stand out among their competitors? Pricing alone may be a major draw but consumers these days are looking for something better other than excellent customer service. Are the products and services that you’re offering  still meeting their needs? It’s one thing to assume but another thing to actually get into your customer’s head to figure out what they exactly want.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said, “If we don’t innovate, we’ll end up like Nokia.” How true.  That saying, let’s see if Apple is able to wow us all in the coming year 2014.

Maybe customers now want to pay with bitcoins? Or they’re looking for more exotic and limited edition products? Or do you offer a special service that will help take the load off working parents or special niche groups of people? It would be good to take some time to think through on how you can improve your current business or start new ones that will be able to meet the needs of consumers in this day and age.

Is there a particular app that can help make doing business faster, cheaper, easier? Or do you need one custom made for your business? Let us know what you think. We’d definitely like to help in any way that we can.

One of the stores that I enjoy visiting is Ikea. The delicious meat balls (yes, food is always a draw!) and the wide area to explore their innovative products with family and friends is always relaxing (provided it’s not during the weekend when the store looks set to explode!). I like the fact that Ikea is constantly coming up with items that appeal to consumers. Design and space-saving concepts are always unique and carefully thought through. Granted they are a big company but normal small and medium sized businesses can always learn plenty from them.

Here’s a short video from Ikea that can encourage other businesses that if you continue to innovate and offer products with solutions, you’re bound to have customers coming back to you. So put on your thinking cap as you would know your business niche better. Here’s wishing all of you a Happy New Year 2014! It will be great!

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